Lemper Ayam Spesial Recipes

In reality, Indonesia has lots of foods in some category there and one of them is a "Kue Basah" or in english called by wet cake, that was mean if the cake has a moist texture. So, lemper is the most popular Kue Basah in Indonesia, you will know more about lemper ayam if you ask anybody from Indonesia about that. I'm sure all of Indonesian people have been knowing about lemper.

Lemper also has many kinds, dependent what the meat inside, like ayam (chicken), sapi (cow), and others. But between these kinds, Lemper Ayam is the most familiar and delicious lemper in Indonesia, lemper ayam using chicken meat inside, and if you want to make it, I give you the special recipes of Lemper Ayam khas Indonesia. Follow step by step how to make lemper ayam spesial below.

Ingredients :

- 300 grams of sticky rice
- 250 ml of thick coconut milk from 1 coconut
- 2 leaf of daun salam (bay)
- 1 grilled lemongrass
- 3/4 tablespoon of salt

the 2nd Ingredients for the meat inside (separate from ingredients above) :

- 300 grams of Shredded Chicken Breast  
- 1 leaf of daun salam (bay)
- 4 leaf of lime leaves
- 200 ml thick coconut milk from 1/2 of coconut
- 1 tablespoon of tamarind water
-  2 tablespoon cooking oil

The 3rd ingredients for seasoning powder :

- 5 pieces of red onion
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 3 roasted hazelnut
- 1 tablespoon of roasted coriander
- 1 teaspoon of roasted caraway
- 1 Tablespoon of sugar

If you want to make it looks beauty and traditionally, you must using daun pisang (banana leaves) as the wrapper, steam it first for the best result.

And then, if you have done with their ingredients above, follow this instruction :

1. Soak the sticky rice until 2 hours, then clean it all, drain it, and steam until 15 minutes, lift it and put to the different place.

2. Boil the coconut milk together with leaf of daun salam (Bay), lemongrass and salt, until 10 minutes.

3. An then, put the steamed sticky rice into the boiled coconut milk (see the 2nd step), until all of the steamed sticky rise has smoked by boiled coconut milk. lift it up and put to the different place.

4. Now, heat the cooking oil up in a frying pan, stir-fry all ingredients of seasoning powder (see the 3rd ingredients) until their release the fragrant, 

5. and then put all of 2nd ingredient into frying pan (with seasoning powder above) until the coconut milk was exhausted, lift it up and put to different place.

6. After that, prepare the mold of lemper, (you can use the plastic that have been oiled by cooking oil), and then put half of the sticky rice that you steamed with boiled coconut milk (see the 3rd step) into the oiled plastic, then averaged it!

7. Put also the meat that you have been fried with seasoning powder on the sticky rice in previous step. Then averaged it.

8. After it, put the leftover of sticky rise on meat, this sticky rice has function as the closed part of lemper ayam. Averaged and condense it!

9. Take the steamed banana leaves, cut it by suitable size with lemper ayam, and then wrap it.

10. Serve to your family.

Wow! that was awesome steps, really much but not so hard, all of the ingredients can founded easily. Now, leave your comment about this Indonesian Foods, called by Lemper Ayam Spesial, thanks and good luck.

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